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relief map 模型地圖;地形[勢]圖。

relief printing

In this paper , the principles and methods of digital image rectification based on digital photogrammetrical mapping system and the overlay of rectified stereo images with raster data or vector map data are described . further more , under the platform of digital photogrammetrical system , the quick updating of 3d stereo digital relief map is realized 本文論述了基于數字攝影測量系統的數字影像幾何糾正的原理與方法,以及利用糾正后的立體影像和柵格或矢量地形圖數據疊加,在數字攝影測量系統下,實現三維立體數字地形圖快速修測。

Secondly , several methods of updating relief map are analyzed and the functionalities and characteristics of digital photogrammetrical system are introduced . combine with the task of producing 1 : 50000 basic frame map , a complete working process of updating 3d digital relief map based on “ mappinstar digital mapping system “ is summarized 簡要介紹了數字攝影測量系統的功能和特點,結合目前1 : 5萬基本框架圖的生產任務,總結了一套完整的基于“ mappingstar數字測圖系統”的三維立體數字地形圖更新的作業方案和生產工藝流程。

This paper adopts the land use state in2000a ( l : 3 + 104 ) , the soil chart ( 1 : 6 + 104 ) and hectometer contour relief map ( include three chongqing area ) of chongqing and geology map ( l : 6 + 104 ) of sichuan province as basic analytical data , measure landscape patches into 7 types including cultivated land , orchard , forestland , unused land , grassland , resident and industry land , water bodies according to land use state basing on land use types , make the landscape map of chongqing karst area by gis software 本研究是以重慶市1 : 30萬的土地利用現狀圖( 2000年版) 、 1 : 60萬的土壤圖以及重慶市百米等高距的地形圖和四川省(包括重慶市) 1 : 60萬的地質圖作為基本分析圖件。在土地利用類型的基礎上,依據土地利用現狀劃分了耕地、園地、林地、未利用地、草地、居民工礦用地和水域7類景觀嵌塊體類型,再借助于gis軟件生成重慶巖溶區景觀圖。

Based on the remote sensing pictures , relief map of wuhan city in different periods and other datum , aided with the investigation on waterfronts , the author tries to research the waterfront spatial system synthetically and present this paper in three sections : investigation , analysis and exploration 本文以不同時期武漢市主城區遙感影像及相應時期地形圖作為基礎資料,結合相關屬性資料及現場調查,對武漢市城市濱水景觀空間系統進行綜合研究,并按調查、分析與探索的順序進行論述。

5 . this thesis materializes the united processing for the error - checking function in digitalization of relief maps information and dem producing . in other words , the error - checking mechanism , considering the topological relation , is embedded in the process of producing dem . this progress provides automatic error - checking method for high - quality terrain data acquisition , and greatly improves the efficiency of digitalization for relief maps 實現了地形圖地形信息數字化的錯誤檢查與dem建立的一體化處理,即在建立dem過程中,嵌入了充分考慮地形邏輯關系的錯誤檢查機制,為獲得高質量的地形等高線數據提供了自動化檢查手段,從而大大提高了地形圖數字化的生產效率。

The management work data of oil - field earthquake exploration and oil - well position , which has not only data of current space position , but also entitative attribute data describing , have great capacity , traditional cad graphics describing the data plus the model database managing mode ca n ' t already adapt the modem exploration with well geography information for management work demand , so it is necessary to realize the unique management of exploration and oil - field well space data and attribute data use advanced geography information system ( gis ) technique , this thesis is based on the excellence ' s table ' s top geography information system - the maplnfo software , using the second process technique , the digital relief map and tectonic map as the base map , the earthquake exploration database as the original data , established the gis of the exploration and oil - field well in the area of the liaohe oil - field , realize visualization management , it provides a reference thereunder for the earthquake exploration deplo ying the workload and proceeding the technique design , and completed lots of practical work 油田地震勘探與油井井位管理工作數據量大,既有空間位置數據,又具有實體的屬性描述數據,傳統的cad制圖+屬性數據庫管理模式已經不能適應現代勘探和井位管理工作的需要,采用先進的地理信息系統( gis )技術,實現勘探和油田井位空間數據和屬性數據的統一管理是必然的趨勢。本文以優秀的桌面地理信息系統mapinfo軟件為開發平臺,在此基礎上進行二次開發,以數字化地形圖、構造圖為載體,以地震勘探數據庫為數據源,建立了遼河油田范圍內的地震勘探和油田管理信息系統,實現了數據的可視化管理,為地震勘探部署工作量、進行技術設計,提供了圖形和數據的參考依據。并完成了很多實際工作。

The research and development of autosd software has settled the problem of the combination of the design theories and drawing settings , the problem of design information and data management , the problem of harmony of artificial correct and program running , the problem of obtaining information from the original relief maps and geologic drawings , the problem of automatic exporting drawings and reports . autosd can work with autocad and msword with jointless , so this paper particularly narrates the means of using active x technique to call server programs ( autocad & msword ) through client program ( autosd ) Autosd系統軟件的開發,研究并解決了如何利用高級程序語言將水工隧洞的設計理論與繪圖環境具體結合的問題;研究并解決了系統軟件如何在輔助設計過程中對水工隧洞的設計信息及數據的管理問題;研究并解決了如何在輔助軟件進行設計過程時,將設計人員的及時修正進行動態交互的協調性問題;研究并解決了系統軟件如何獲得原始地形圖及地質圖信息的問題;研究并解決了系統如何在設計過程中自行將工程設計信息匯編成報告輸出的問題。

When choosing evaluative indexes , we take four aspects of fatalness of sea level rise hazards , vulnerability of land system , socio - economic and ecological vulnerability , and defending ability . we draw the map based on the relief map and the land utilizing map of 1 : 100000 scale , gain altitude values ( range of 1 km 1 km ) and the fundamental data of evaluation in the studied area using the software of mapinfo and socio - economic statistic data 運用mapinfo軟件和社會經濟統計數據,以盤錦市1 : 100000地形圖和土地利用圖作為底圖,獲得地面1km 1km范圍高程值以及評估單元基礎數據,并計算出在沒有防護、不同潮位背景、海平面上升不同高度的條件下,遼河三角洲未來海平面上升將淹沒的土地面積、受災人口和經濟損失,以及不同土地利用類型的淹沒面積及相應的經濟價值。

This paper uses digital line graphs for original data . after author bases on large - scale relief map “ feature and analyses the feature , data structure and creation algorithms of two main representation shape ? triangulated irregular network and regular grid , author provides a kind of method that large - scale dem is created from tin which is created from large - scale dlg 本文以數字線化圖為原始數據,針對大比例地形圖的特點,在分析了數字高程模型的兩種主要表現形式? ?不規則三角網tin和規則格網grid的特點、數據結構、生成算法的基礎上,考慮到大比例尺數字高程模型能最大限度符合實際地形特點,提出了一種從大比例尺數字線化圖dlg生成不規則三角網tin ,再由不規則三角網內插生成大比例尺數字高程模型grid的方法。

By researching data structure and display method of different display model of vi , a uniform display screen data structure is advanced , which including appearance parameter , channels number and layout of windows , graphics data and display parameter , to unify the operation and storage of one - dim , two - dim and three - dim , wave figure , xy figure , straight figure , color figure , relief map 本文通過研究虛擬儀器中各種不同顯示模式的數據特點和顯示方法,提出了一種統一的顯示器數據結構,包括顯示器外觀參數、通道數及窗口布局、通道波形數據和顯示參數等,來統一一維、二維和三維,波形圖、 xy圖、直方圖、色譜圖和地形圖的操作和存儲。

Then , by studying fuyu county as a case , using 1 : 50000 relief map as assistant data , building up classification system of residential points , and using etm images to distill information of residential area , the inversion model of population distribution was set up , and the vector data of population distribution were obtained on the basis of residential points 進而以扶余縣為例,以1 : 5萬地形圖為輔助數據,建立居民點分類體系,利用etm影像提取居民點信息,在以上模型的基礎上建立人口分布的反演模型,得到基于居民點的人口分布矢量數據。

Above all , during the research of the automatic of hydrotechnics designs , the author has successfully developed the cad software autosd for hydraulic runnel design , and realized the function of immediate interpose among program and relief maps and the overall process computer aided function during the hydraulic tunnel design 總之,本文通過對水工設計自動化的研究,成功開發出水工隧洞輔助設計軟件autosd ,并首次實現在軟件運行時與地形圖的即時交互和反饋功能,實現了水工隧洞設計全過程的輔助設計功能。

As the basic image , large - scale relief maps were not good , with some disadvantages of accuracy and surface features . if a high - resolution satellite image could be used to registration as a basic map , the accuracy of corrected image map would be improved obviously 作為基準影像,大比例尺地形圖在自身成圖精度和所含特征信息等方面有一定的局限性,如使用高分辨率衛星影像作為基準底圖進行配準糾正,則成圖精度會有進一步提高。

The experiments prove that the method of updating 3d stereo digital relief map based on digital photogrammetical mapping system is a brand new method , which has some excellent characteristics : quick working speed , shortened produce period and high accuracy 實驗證明基于數字攝影測量系統的三維立體數字地形圖更新,具有作業速度快、生產周期短、現勢性強、精度高等優點,是一種嶄新的數字地形圖更新的方法。

This paper introduces some methods for setting up the place - name database and the drawings information database and the management modes of digitized relief map through using the cass5 . 1 software , and advances some matters that should pay attention to during the using process 介紹了利用cass5 . 1繪圖軟件建立地名信息庫與圖紙信息庫的方法及數字地形圖的管理方式,指出了使用過程中應注意的事項。

By means of images processing of satellite , geometrical correction of images from uav rs system was accomplished by polynomial . in the processing of images of wuming in guangxi province , a set of scan large - scale relief maps were used 借鑒衛星影像的處理方法,將目標區現有的大比例尺地形圖數字化后,利用多項式法完成了廣西武鳴城區無人機遙感飛行試驗影像的幾何糾正,并取得了較好的效果。

Moreover , we introduce the ants system in bionics into grading mas system , try to study the abstract model of individual ant , the collective and the task and plot out the relief map and the process of solving the problem 利用仿生學的相關成果,把蟻群系統引入到等級mas系統中,研究蟻群中單個螞蟻、蟻群、任務的抽象模型,形式化描述蟻群的地形圖和任務求解的過程。

In this paper , the centenary changes of the area in the four - lake area were studied by interpreting on the water resources map , relief map and images of remote sensing supported by gis 在野外調查和歷史文獻分析的基礎上,利用不同時期的水利圖、地形圖、遙感影像圖作為基本信息源,在gis技術支持下,提取湖泊面積信息,對四湖地區近百年湖泊水域變化進行了研究。

First , the basic principles of geometry rectification of digital aerial images and raster relief map are introduced and thus the accuracy of geometry rectification is improved 首先,重點闡述了數字航空影像幾何糾正,以及柵格地圖變形糾正的基本原理,進一步提高了幾何糾正的精度。